Monday, July 17, 2017

Jesse Ruben, Castro, and Dia Frampton

I so love going to concerts but tend to struggle with actually finding them. I'm making an effort to take advantage of living in a city and all the opportunities it offers, so last week Michelle and I decided to brave a concert where we were almost 100% unfamiliar with the performers.
The venue was Brighton Music Hall-I hadn't been there before and was worried about being late (Boston traffic-always!) but it was a small enough show that not only did we get in plenty early, we had time to get a beer, peruse the merch tables, and get good seats. I can't express how happy we were to have chairs! :)
Jesse Ruben opened the night-I had heard some of his music, inspired by his showing up on a Spotify Discover Weekly playlist recently. Not only do I enjoy his music, but he is also an excellent performer. It's so disappointing when you love an artist's music but then they have no stage presence-definitely not the case here! He also created the We Can Project, partnering with schools and other programs to empower kids to do make a difference and achieve their goals. I'm excited to connect him to our youth!
Next up was Castro, who I mentioned in my Saturday EW post. They are a super fun family group and also excellent performers! The hints of bluegrass take the pop/folk sound to a new level.
Finally, Dia Frampton was wonderful. Her music is gorgeous and I can't say how much I appreciated her honesty regarding her emotional highs and lows. I don't want to take her story, but she expressed the struggle with perfection and anxiety relating to her music so beautifully. Thank you for helping to normalize talking about mental health and professional support.
Please, please leave me recommendations for more music and concerts!


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