Friday, February 9, 2018

2018 Goals

Wow, I did not mean to post an intense piece and then disappear for weeks...time really got away from me! I've been working nonstop, it seems-and the little bit of time I'm not working I've been trying to see more of my friends. I need to find a balance, but dang that's hard...

I originally wrote this post at the start of January, was going to post it, then had to write about that sermon. Then I apparently just didn't post for almost 3 week. So obviously I've already been working on these goals...

It seems that I'm in the same mindset as many people out there-resolutions just don't work for me. The minute I'm not following it, I feel like I've failed and I give up on it entirely. As a social worker, of course I'm big on reframing-so I decided to do that with resolutions and make them into goals instead! As goals, I can consider them as points to work toward, as opposed to immediate stagnant changes, and think of each time I act in line with them as progress, instead of each time I slip up as failure. I can also add new ones at any time! However, some things never change-and accountability is huge, so here were go.

1. Do the 30 days of Yoga with Adriene's True program. Note: I did it! It felt amazing to make that a priority. While I haven't continued to do yoga every day since that ended, I've definitely been doing it more and I can feel it. 

2. Try my best to take breaks at work. At Athleta, I'm forced to do so, and have noticed how great it feels to reset partway through the day. Doing the daily yoga practice from my first goal during the workday is a great way to actually take it!

3. Continue to go to Bar Method as much as possible. I love the workouts and the people-while it took me some time, I really feel a part of the community. I hit 250 classes just before the New Year and am excited to continue toward 500!

4. Stay away from gossip/negative talk about others. It's way too easy to get pulled into it. Whether it's someone in my professional life, an ex, or just a person I interact with in my life out and about, it's never actually helpful. 

5. Cook vegan. I'll still use up what I already had at home (honey, etc.) because I'm not trying to be wasteful, and when I go out to eat I will enjoy my beloved cheese, but at home it's plant-based all the way. Going vegan is something I've debated for a long time and struggled with (honestly, mainly because of how much I love all cheese-based dishes). However, it's in line with all the reasons I became vegetarian over 15 years ago. Opposing animal cruelty, eating more nutritiously-and yes, I know Oreos are vegan, but most of the junk I enjoy is not-reducing my impact on the environment are all incentives to be at least more vegan than not. 

6. Take breaks...not just at work. If you know me, you may have noticed my slight obsessive tendencies (see Bar Method goal above?) and do not like to feel like I can't do something-miss a day of barre when I have time to go, not hit my 10,000 steps, have an actual day off from both jobs, cancel social plans when I'm just too wiped out...recently I had a day where I actually let myself be lazy. It was a little weird, almost anxiety-provoking, but so. good. I did yoga at home, then drove to Providence and only left the couch to go out to eat (twice, ha). 

7. Get the damn boxes out of my apartment. I moved in April and have boxes just sitting that I clearly don't need anything from-so I need to sort, store, donate, and toss. It will feel so much better!

8. Prioritize the relationships in my life as much as I do everything else. I am terrible at staying in touch with people I don't see regularly (also, I need to reframe this) and often make my extroverted-introvert excuse to stay in. But I love my people and need them to know this!

What goals do you have? Are they new, ongoing, shifting? Let me know, and good luck!


1 comment:

  1. I really like how you have reframed resolutions, Emma...
