Monday, January 30, 2017

No Ban. No Wall.

Another day, another protest. Is this going to be our reality in this new administration?

Friday's executive order regarding immigration is (not even) the latest horrifying action taken by the Trump administration since he was sworn in just over a week ago. There's only so much I can say without merely parroting others-so many have spoken out in beautiful and moving ways. It's also simple in some ways-simply wrong. We are a nation of (mostly) immigrants.

And nowhere was this more evident than in the protests across the country this weekend. I had friends at numerous events (though not quite as many as at the Women's March), including so very many at DTW (the Detroit airport), about 15 minutes away from Dearborn.

I was lucky enough to be in Boston on Sunday and able to be a part of the protest at Copley Square, from Trinity Church to the Boston Public Library. There were chants of "hey hey, ho ho, President Trump has got to go", "no hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here", and of course "no ban, no wall". The signs were simple and straightforward-the best was possibly one that simply said "uuuggghhh". Agreed!

While I am heartbroken we have to continue this, I am inspired by others' swift and decisive action. The protests came together quickly and successfully. Lawyers are volunteering their services. The ACLU has received over 6x their average annual donation-in less than a month. Sally Yates, who until a few hours ago was the acting Attorney General, refused to enforce this unethical, immoral, and  illegal order.

This is our reality. We will keep protesting, we will keep fighting back. And we will keep taking care of ourselves and each other.


P.S. As usual, ways to keep fighting.
       And ideas to take care of yourself.

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